The benefits of using organic fertilizer
January 08, 2024
Why do we use organic fertilizer?
The benefits of using organic fertilizers can be summarized as follows: 1. The fertilizer has a long validity period, lasting fertility, mildness, and pollution-free. It is a high-quality fertilizer for the production of organic, green and pollution-free food. 2. Contain a variety of trace elements, increase the content of soil organic matter, loosen the soil, improve the soil, and form high-standard farmland. It is the only important and necessary fertilizer that can continue to increase yield after the use of chemical fertilizers (more prominent in greenhouse production) . 3. It will not cause environmental pollution, and full use of the exchange can play a role in protecting the environment. 4. Reduce energy consumption caused by the production of chemical fertilizers, and can effectively promote plant growth. 5. Turning waste into treasure reduces domestic garbage.
• Organic fertilizer contains a lot of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, various medium trace elements, and organic matter.
• Due to the slow decomposition of organic fertilizer, it is equivalent to a slow-release fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition after use.
• Organic fertilizer promotes the reproduction of microorganisms, improves the rhizosphere microbiota of crops, and enhances the ability of plants to resist diseases and insects.
• It can improve the soil, and regular use of inorganic fertilizers can cause soil compaction.
• The price is generally cheaper than inorganic fertilizer.
• Organic fertilizer will make plants grow healthier.
The first is environmental protection. Organic fertilizer can solve the problem of soil compaction. Science supplements fertilizers for plants. Huilin Youpin Organic Fertilizer is a manufacturer that specializes in the production of organic fertilizers. The plant and animal metabolites are fermented into organic fertilizers, which can not only increase soil fertility efficiency, but also solve the problem of soil compaction, and make agriculture have sustainable development.
(1) Provide a variety of nutrients and have a long fertilizer effect.
Organic fertilizer provides abundant organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements for the growth and development of soybean plants, and can continue to meet the needs of a large number of nutrients for flowering, pod formation and swelling in the middle and late stages of soybean growth.
(2) Improve soil structure and fertilize soil.
The organic matter in the organic fertilizer can loosen the compacted clay and reunite the loose sandy soil, creating good water, aeration, and temperature conditions for the growth and development of soybean roots, and promoting the growth and development of the above-ground part of the plant.
(3) Mitigating or controlling the hazards of repeated cropping.
Organic fertilizer can not only replenish soil nutrients at any time, improve soil structure, fertilize the soil, but also eliminate toxic substances in the soil, thereby reducing the harm of continuous cropping.
(4) The effect of increasing production.
Production practice has proved that the application of organic fertilizer can significantly increase the yield of soybeans, and the increase in yield is generally 10% to 20%, and the more barren the soil, the more obvious the effect of applying organic fertilizer.
The advantages of organic fertilizer mainly include soil improvement, improvement of land use, reducing pollution and sanitation risks, killing pathogenic bacteria, using organic fertilizer as a breeding bedding, and inhibiting diseases.
1. Soil improvement
Organic fertilizer is a good soil conditioner. When organic fertilizer is used in farmland or degraded soil, it can increase organic matter, change soil structure, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and reduce potential soil erosion.
2. Improved land use
A considerable part of agricultural organic waste is still used directly or simply after land use, although it also has fertilizer value and can play a role in improving soil quality. The post-use of agricultural waste organic fertilizer has the following advantages: ①The nitrogen in the waste is transformed into more stable organic nitrogen. Although there is some loss of nitrogen, the remaining nitrogen is often not easy to be leached and volatilized. ②The carbon-nitrogen ratio of the initial agricultural waste is high or low. After being directly applied to the soil, it will result in insufficient or excessive nitrogen in the soil, which will affect crop growth. On the contrary, the carbon-nitrogen ratio of organic fertilizer after composting tends to be reasonable and more Suitable for land use. (Theoretically, the decomposed organic fertilizer should tend to the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the microbial cells, which is about 16. It is generally believed that the C/N decreases from the initial 25-30 to 15-20, which means that the organic fertilizer has been decomposed and reached Stable. PS: For every 25g of organic carbon consumed by microorganisms, it needs to absorb 1g of nitrogen); ③The heat generated by the organic composting process can reduce the number of weed seeds in the waste and reduce the impact of weeds.
3. Reduce pollution risks and odor complaints
In the process of urbanization and the continuous large-scale development of agriculture, organic waste has become a burden rather than a wealth. Especially for some agricultural breeding companies, because there is no large area of land to absorb these animal manures, the number of animals far exceeds the capacity of the land, making the disposal of manure a headache.
Organic composting can alleviate the impact of these problems. Since organic compost products are usually in demand, their outlet is no longer a problem. The nature of organic compost can be stored and processed allows it to be transported farther than manure or other raw materials. A well-functioning organic composting facility will basically not produce odor and breed flies.
4. Organic fertilizer as a substitute for breeding bedding
From the perspective of animal welfare and the improvement of the breeding environment, it is believed that the bedding layer should be laid in the breeding pen. On the one hand, it is beneficial to adsorb animal excrement and reduce environmental pollution. On the other hand, it also provides a comfortable ground environment for animals.
Many studies have shown that powdered organic fertilizer can be used to replace sawdust, straw powder, etc. as bedding in farms.
5. Organic fertilizer reduces soil-borne diseases
It has been found that good organic fertilizers can reduce plant soil-borne diseases without the use of chemical control. The characteristics of organic fertilizers for inhibiting diseases have been widely recognized and appreciated.